H.S.Chawla +91-9012519000
Virendardeep Singh +91-9927025877
Email- globalenvir.solution@gmail.com

Future Plans

Presently Global Environmental Solution is providing its services of Bio-Medical Waste Management We plan to expand our business in other parts of the country as well. India is having 28 State and 7 Union Territories which in turn have 604 Districts having 144988 sub Centers, In addition have a large of private Hospital & Health care facnes. The total estimated number of Govt. The future scope of business is not only limited to the Bio-Medical Waste but also can be expanded into the other waste related streams of Waste to Energy, E Waste, Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, Central Effluent Treatment Plants, Sewerage Treatment Plants.

Expansion of Current business into new territories:

Negotiations for up to 12 new facilities are underway with different State Governments.
Presently Bio-Medical Waste Industry is highly scattered & there exists good potential for taking over existing facilities.
We hope to triple revenues & profits by the end of FY 2013 from the current level.

Other Streams of Waste Management Business:-

There also exist huge business opportunities in other streams of Waste Management services such as Waste to Energy, E Waste, Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, Central Effluent Treatment Plants, Sewerage Treatment Plants.
This information is based on available data.

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    Vill- Lambakhera, P.O-Khanpur (Rudrapur) District- Udham Singh nagar, Uttarakhand-263153.

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